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These lists are not and do not pretend to be comprehensive, but we think they catch most of what’s important out there. We put quite some time into assembling them, but invariably there will be many fine, useful sites we will have missed. The reason for providing a less-than-exhaustive list is (it’s a household motto around here) that some of something is better than all of nothing—that is, better to provide some leads than do none just because you can’t do all. If you know of a site you consider vital that’s not listed here, please do let us know. Anyway, here they are: poke, probe, play, have fun.
Note that in these lists, we have omitted pages primarily concerned with diseases of vegetable plants—if you have problems, you’ll doubtless do your own search-engine hunt; the pages we list are for general information on growing edibles. We have also omitted pages that are individual messages on archived message boards—there are far too many such to list individually.
The sites listed below are “general” in the sense that they are not particular to just one or a few vegetable types. A few of these links are specialized in some other way (such as how to determine your USDA Zone), but most are broad-coverage vegetable-gardening sites, usually with numerous articles or pages on individual vegetables and often with other gardening-related information. We have not bothered to describe them extensively because most gardeners will simply hop to a site and quickly form their own opinions on its usefulness or uselessness for their individual needs.
Naturally, you can and should poke around each site—go to its home page if that’s not where we place you on the site—and see what else they have besides what caught our eyes.
(A “portal” is a site that aggregates links to other sites on some given topic.) You can find many more forums than the key ones listed below: just ask Google.
Vegetable Gardening: a forum on the Houzz site, and an excellent source of knowledge from reasonably knowledgeable home gardeners (and evern some professionsla).
Garden Blogs: a comprehensive list from Cold-Climate Gardening
Tomatoville: a top-notch tomato-oriented forum frequented by such tomato superstars as Dr. Carolyn Male.
Permaculture and homesteading goofballs: the fey name notwithstanding, another great source of knowledgeable comment and information on home gardening (and not exclusively permaculture-oriented).
Vegetable Gardening Discussion Forum: from the Dave's Garden site (home of the amazing Garden Watchdog, a key resource in itself).
AgriGator [archived copy]: worldwide agricultural sites - a huge collection (now defunct—link is to an archived copy from 2009, so links may be outdated).
Plants For A Future: powerful & thorough - this is a great resource
How to Compost: Composting Instructions: extraordinarily thorough, and a very well-constructed site
Preventing Plant Disease By Crop Rotation [archived copy]: good information on a crucial subject.
Temperature Effect On Vegetable Seeds: a full lecture on an important topic
An In-Depth Companion Planting Guide: what it says; from the Mother Earth News web site.
Companion Planting [archived copy]: interesting advice from the Canberra Organic Growers Society.
The Nutrition Garden: wanna really be self-sufficient? Check this out!
Neglected Horticultural Crops: subtitled 1492 From a Different Perspective, this fascinating (and extensive) page lists eight fine crops now largely (though not entirely) and unjustly neglected
Growing Herbs for the Home Gardener [archived copy]: lengthy tables of useful information
California Rare Fruit Growers: a deep and wide source of information on less-common fruits and berries (many perfectly good to grow in most climates)
Garden Betty: quite useful and varied information
The Pollination Home Page: pollination information, with helpful images
The Heirloom Vegetable Gardener’s Assistant: self-describing
Seeds Of Diversity: Canada’s Heritage Seed-Saving Network
Alphabetical by State—there are many others, but these are the ones that turn up regularly in searches for vegetable information. For each, we have linked to a relevant page, but there is always lots more on these sites: poke around on each.
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension: Home Gardening portal page
Colorado State University: Crops Testing
University of Georgia: Fruit, Vegetable & Ornamentals Production
University of Illinois: Horticulture
Michigan State University: Vegetables
University of Missouri: Plant health and production: articles
Ohio State University: Plant Lover’'s Almanac
Oregon State University: Gardening, Lawn, and Landscape
Texas A&M: Gardening & Landscaping
Virginia State University: Small Fruits & Vegetables
West Virginia University Extension: Gardening Guide
Most or all of these provide information of fairly general (as opposed to strictly regional) usefulness.
Organic Gardening in Central Oregon: a whole book on growing in a tough climate
Vegetable Growing Guides (New York State recommendations): from Cornell U.
Gardening in Washington State: WSU— not specific to eastern Washington.
Watch the Garden Grow: by a Spokane-area experienced home grower.
Log House Plants - Library: a West Coast wholesale grower's library of useful articles.
Inland Empire Gardeners: a coillection of articles from the Spokane Spokesman-Review.
Vegetable Types: from the Natural Food Hub - the whole site is a great resource
Due North: vegetable grower’s gardening guide (a commercial site—sort of—but good)
Vegetable Garden Harvest: a compact guide to vegetable gardening, succinctly covering both vegetables and herbs.
Grow your own vegetables: from the Royal Horticultural Society, a cultivar chooser.
Tom Clothier’s Garden Walk and Talk: with many excellent lectures from expert horticulturists - a strong, well-organized resource
We have disassembled this list: vegetable-specific links now appear on the individual pages here dedicated to the particular vegetables themselves.
Our set of lists of seed and plant sellers is a page of its own.
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